by Brendon Groves, Clinical Naturopathic Practitioner | May 20, 2019 | Autumn, Cold and Flu
Are Practitioner Only Supplements Different Supermarket Supplements? 1. Firstly Let’s Look at the Quality I go to great lengths to find the supplements and companies to deal with. Also, each company has to have a high level of quality assurance and use independent...
by Brendon Groves, Clinical Naturopathic Practitioner | May 10, 2019 | Autumn, Cold and Flu, Winter
Firstly, I Consider the Quality of the Herbs When you are taking herbs to treat a cold or flu, you need to consider the quality. Especially if in the past you were not entirely happy with the result. Yet, a lot of this comes down to the herb’s quality and the dose....
by Brendon Groves, Clinical Naturopathic Practitioner | May 9, 2019 | Autumn, Cold and Flu, Hygiene, Winter
Prevent Catching a Cold or Flu with These Hygiene Protocols. 1. Washing Your Hands Regularly Washing your hands regularly one of the best ways to prevent the spread of colds and flu. Furthermore, cross-contamination with unwell people is the most significant...
by Brendon Groves, Clinical Naturopathic Practitioner | May 9, 2019 | Autumn, Cold and Flu, Naturals for winter, Winter
Prevent Cold and Flu With Natural Medicines Studies show that Natural Medicines can prevent cold and flu and boost your immune system as well as provide a direct defence against infection. 1. Zinc Zinc inhibits cold and flu viruses and it is a key mineral to assist...
by Brendon Groves, Clinical Naturopathic Practitioner | May 9, 2019 | Autumn, Cold and Flu, Cold and flu tips, Winter
The Most Effective Ways To Muscle Up Your Immune System This Winter 1. Be Street Smart. There’s a reason we have less sun in the winter. We are meant to slow down and rest more. Make sure you get plenty of rest to restore your immune system. Do not stay out...
by Brendon Groves, Clinical Naturopathic Practitioner | May 8, 2019 | Autumn, Cold and Flu, Winter
Chicken soup’s anti-inflammatory effect against colds and flu Chicken soup has long a history as a remedy for symptom relief for upper respiratory tract infections like colds and flu. Scientific research confirms that chicken soup has a mild anti-inflammatory effect...