Natural Treatments for
Stress and Anxiety
Overcome Stress
Manage Anxiety Naturally
Get More Energy
Health Programs
When Stress and Anxiety Gets Too Much
We want you to know that stress doesn’t have to control your life. A holistic natural medicine approach that treats the symptoms while addressing the underline cause is a great way to feel better. This method of practice has worked for many of our patients. If you are working with a health professional like a counsellor or psychologist, our natural treatment works well together.
Common Triggers of Stress and Anxiety
Stress & Anxiety Does Not Have to Run Your Day
If stress and anxiety are affecting your day-to-day life consider talking to our health professional team who can provide understanding and tools to support you.
We have developed a successful program called ASAP (A Stress Anxiety Program) to support our patients through stress and anxiety.
What is Stress?
Stress is an emotional response primarily due to an external trigger, like a work deadline, running late, a sudden illness or death of a loved one, chronic disease in the family or with yourself, financial pressure, change in living circumstances? In most cases, stressful feelings are short-lived.
Stress sets up a chemical response that stimulates the release of stress hormones like noradrenaline and cortisol that put the body into a state of alert and readiness, also known as the fight or flight response. Chronic long-term stress can lead to a myriad of symptoms.
Symptoms of stress
In response to stress, here are the most common symptoms:
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Anger
- Moody
- Insomnia
- Forgetfulness
- Lack of concentration
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
- Stomach pain
- Diarrhoea, constipation and IBS
What is Anxiety, and What Symptoms Should You Watch Out For?
Anxiety is similar to stress but more long-term and persistent, it is a state of excessive worry that does not go away even after the stressful event has passed. What anxiety symptoms should you watch out for? Anxiety is virtually the same as stress, with more pronounced levels of insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration, trouble focusing, muscle tension, irritability and in some cases panic attacks.
Types of Anxiety We See
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Generalised anxiety disorder can occur at any age and is the most common form of anxiety disorders. Typical symptoms are hard-to-control worry occurring most days over six months.The symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder can be psychological and physical. They may include but not limited to:- Feeling restless
- Constant worry
- Restlessness
- Poor concentrating
- Insomnia
- Feel on edge
- Muscle tightness or ache and pains
- Panic Disorders
A panic disorder is a condition where one experiences panic attacks that appear randomly or concurrently in some cases. Panic attacks are a sudden onset of anxiety that produce a rapid onset of symptoms like sweating, dizzyness, and gasping for air.
Many people are worry after their first panic attack when will they have another one.
Factors that contribute to the panic disorder are; Family history of panic attacks, stressful life events such as:- Death of a loved one
- Family or friends life treating illness or accident
- Devoice or separation
- Financial loss or hardship
- Other traumatic events
- Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder can make everyday social interactions difficult, with excessive feelings of anxiety, fear or been judged, self-conscious, worry about been embarrassed or humiliated and a feeling of general low confidence. Social anxiety is triggered by a fear of social situations. The triggers are usually from past stressful life experiences.
Are Taking Prescriptive Medication?
Herb drug and Nutrient drug interactions may worsen your condition. As Naturopaths, one of our key roles is to carefully select natural medicines that best suit our patient’s needs to safely take both the natural remedies and their doctor’s medication.
Stress and Anxiety FAQs
How does naturopath help with stress and anxiety?
Stress and mild anxiety respond well to naturopathy – lifestyle and dietary, supplementation, sleep hygiene and exercise can all dramatically improve your body and minds ability to manage both stress and anxiety.
Do you have a program for anxiety?
Yes, We have developed a successful program to support patients with stress and anxiety called the ASAP (A Stress Anxiety Program).
How long will it take to feel better?
It depends on how long you have had the condition and how your body responds to the treatment. We usually see good results within the first 1-3 months, and in some cases, it can take a little longer around 3-6 months depending on the severity on the stress and anxiety.
Will I have to change my diet?
In most cases yes, a slight modification is required to the types of foods and timing of your meals. Diet can dramatically improve your body and minds ability to manage both stress and anxiety.
Do you work in with psychologists?
Absolutely, in-fact we get great results with this collaborative approach. By applying our naturopathic principles, stress and anxiety are much easier to manage and improve the overall quality of life.
How do I contact you for an appointment?
You may choose to book an appointment online or contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
*We support patients with mild anxiety, for more acute mental health conditions see a mental healthcare professional.