How Stress Can Help You Get Stronger?

Where Does Stress Come From?

Ultimately, stress is an evolutionary body response developed over thousands of years. The automatic fight, flight or freeze response first presented itself when we had to flee from danger from wild animals that could kill us. Today this primary brain reaction has modified itself. Our perception of what is life-threatening has changed to what threats our livelihood, for example, financial loss, getting fired, losing loved ones, exams, deadlines etc.

Stress can present itself in a couple of ways:

  • Acute stress is like an event, for example
    • Test. 
    • Speaking in front of an audience.
  • Chronic or an ongoing challenge, for example, 
    • Raising children
    • Driving to work
    • Financial pressures. 

Your response is the same, no matter whether it is acute or chronic. Even if you don’t feel like you are stressed, your body will be reacting. It does not have to be that way. You don’t have to suffer. 

The Main Symptoms Of Stress

Stress can present a myriad of health symptoms:

  • Low energy. 
  • Difficulty sleeping. 
  • Poor memory. 
  • Concentration.
  • Mood changes.
  • Digestive disturbances, for example, IBS, constipation. 

Long term stress may lead to thyroid imbalances, hormonal issue, obesity, and a weak immune function. Stress can cause ill health, and that’s why it is essential to deal with it now. You will feel better. Learn the strategies and apply them to your life, and you will benefit for years to come. 

Epic Formula To Chillout With These Stress Relief Techniques

A health care professional can offer a treatment plan specifically for your needs, to reduce the effects on your body and mind, and can help you manage life’s challenges. Here are some top nutrients that may benefit you in times of stress:

  1. Magnesium: low level of magnesium in the body may make the effects of stress worse! Replenish your magnesium levels to support your nervous system.
  2. B vitamins: Neurotransmitters need B vitamin to function to keep you in a good mood, and improve your energy levels.
  3. Essential fatty acids: Are necessary as building blocks for the nervous system, and a healthy mood.
  4. Herbal medicine: There are some medicinal herbs for calming both the nervous system and the adrenal, and provide effective relief from a wide range of mood or stress symptoms.

Diet And Lifestyle Tips To Combat Stress

Implement these simple strategies every day to keep on top of your stress:

  1. Limit caffeine and alcohol.
  2. Avoid refined carbs and sugar.
  3. Start your day with protein to stabilise your blood sugar. 
  4. Enjoy exercise and physical activity.
  5. Do activities that make you feel good.
  6. Meditation – set aside some time at least 30 minutes per day. 
  7. Diaphragmatic breathing 5 minutes per day

How Your Stress Helps You Adapt.

So, you may not even think you are stressed. How does this happen, it is due to “hedonic adaptation” a state where your body learns over time to live with the stress as a being normal, but with any stress, your body may have an increased need for support nutrients. It may be beneficial to speak to a health care professional today about how you can protect and manage yourself from the effects of stress. Herbal remedies can help this adaption process, mainly when you are under increasing pressure in your life. 


Personalised Q & A 

If there are any aspects of your wellness plan that you would like to discuss feel free to contact me for a FREE No-Obligation meeting valued at $45 click here to book. 

The suggestions here are general in nature and do not take into account your individual needs. Before you make changes to your lifestyle or embark on any herbal remedy or nutritional supplement, it is wise to check with a healthcare professional.

In health and wisdom

Brendon Groves naturopath
Written by:
Brendon Groves
Clinical Naturopathic Practitioner
Founder of “Groves Naturopathics” and “The Groves Lifestyle Diet
Adv. Dip. H. Sc. Nat, Dip. H. Sc. H.M., Dip. H. Sc. Nut.
Advance Diploma of Naturopathy, Diploma of Nutrition, Diploma of Herbal Medicine.
Special interests in: Weight loss, digestive issues, anxiety and mood disorders, immune support.

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